Life Force Energy

A Simple QiGong Daily Practice

This is an old course and is closed for enrollment. You can find the new course here

Learn To Increase Your Life Force Energy and Feel It Moving Through You

The way our current society works, we as humans have been conditioned to detach from our feelings, emotions, and energy; To move away from our body’s intelligence, and to live mostly in our minds. Unfortunately, our devotion to our mind is where our worrying, stress, and anxiety stem from.

These are some of the benefits you may experience by following this practice:

✓ Increase your ability to come back to the present moment
✓ Cultivate a sense of calm and groundedness you can access anywhere at any time
✓ Gain a greater awareness of your own body feelings and sensations
✓ Improve your physical vitality, strength and flexibility
Remove energy blockages that constrain your body's ability to move freely
Fix your posture by coming back into what feels natural

This course is for anyone who is interested in reconnecting to, and experiencing their own energy, to have their own health and vitality improved, in every aspect of their life, by a very simple practice.

This interactive video course is kept intentionally free of complication and unnecessary theory, to avoid overthinking; to make it easy for anyone to practice in a very simple manner. You can do the practice for a few minutes, or you can spend hours with the movements.

This course is suited for both men and women in any physical condition or age, and no previous QiGong or spiritual awareness is needed.

The practice will start to build a new way of relating to your own energy, physical body, and life. It will allow you to start experiencing your energetic power, in many different areas of your life, such as your career, sex-life, love -life, health, and confidence.

Reset your internal energetic matrix, to how it was intended for you to be here.

We have taken in so much conditioning and lies. We have accumulated so much backed up, unprocessed trauma, without ever being given a clear, practical and self-loving method to deal with them; to release them, to heal.

These practices will teach you to circulate, accumulate and gather energy, purge toxic energy, along with the gradual releasing of negative emotions/trauma; releasing energetic blockages.

Energy is the universal life force; the fuel that governs everything in this life. It’s what animates us, what allows the heart to beat, the blood to flow, and it’s what keeps us upright and in motion in this life. It's everywhere.

Like fish in the water or birds in flight, we are mostly unaware of the energy field that we live in. This practice will expand your consciousness and awareness, to the point where you are able to feel the energy around you, and influence it in a positive way.

This practice will help you reconnect with your body’s own intelligence, giving you a greater control and power over your own life. It will not only make you feel great after you practice, but it will help you cultivate your inner calm and be able to make better life choices, rooted in reality, rather than the chaos of our minds.

This course includes all you need to start practicing, with instructions for each exercise.

Remember: life is simple, and this practice is simple too. Most courses include far too much unnecessary complication and theory. In this course, I have included only what you need, in order to really begin experiencing energy, flow, and calm in your life. It is here to assist you in coming back to your truth.

Here are some testimonials from my retreats, where I also teach participants the techniques in this course:

If at any point you have questions about the practice you can reach out to me and I will be here to assist you.

Enough of the sales talk. See you on the other side.

BONUS: I have also included some bonuses. One is a very powerful polarity meditation, which will naturally restore the polarity of your body, as you learn to become more present.

Your Instructor

Chris Bale
Chris Bale

Like most humans, I was brought up in a world of confusion and conditioning, which lead to my own confusion and uneasiness in life.

I have gone through many deep processes, in order to liberate myself from trauma, conditioning, and to experience freedom from societies mishandling.

At a young age, I was drawn to spiritual practices. This led me to study eastern philosophies such as QiGong, Polarity therapy, Reiki, and Traditional Oriental Medicines. This is where many my discoveries, shared in this course, derive from.

I am a certified acupuncturist, energy-work practitioner, and medical Qigong therapist. I studied Chinese medicine in university and have also delved very deeply into the traditional eastern texts. The energy world is my full-time reality.

Some of the services I offer to men and women, in order to realign them with their nature are: in-person and online individual mentoring sessions, group webinars, in-person residential retreats, energy work sessions and more.

You will find more information about me and my work on my website and on my Facebook page Awakened Intent.

I also have the Awakened Intent YouTube channel where I share truths about personal development, sexuality, the masculine/feminine, and in a nutshell, I assist people in living a life rooted in their truth, rather than false societal conditionings.

I hope you enjoy my courses and commit yourself to finally take your life back into your own hands.

Much love,

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

This course is closed for enrollment.